About Us

We are the first non-commercial, non-political charity police fund in Georgia.
The values and goals of our foundation are:

  • Creation and financing of socio-economic, educational, creative programs.
  • The fund's financial source is donations and grant-making.
  • The goal is to help police officers do better work so that police officers and their families don't feel alone.
  • Every donation you make goes to programs that help and fund our police officers and their families.
    All donations are transparent and every 6 (six) months information will be posted in the appropriate place on our website.

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    We Help

    1. Police officers who need legal assistance;
    2. Police officers who suffered health damage while performing their duties;
    3. Family members of police officers, whose family member the police officer died while performing his duty;
    4. Police officers and/or their family members have received psychological trauma/pain while on duty:
    5. Police officers who want to be involved in various economic, social, healths, educational, cognitive programs.


    Our mission

    Our mission and goal is to support police officers and their families so they can work better.

    Becoming a police officer is a challenge. This profession is determined by risking life and health to keep our citizens safe, so the policeman is a hero.

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    Some of Us Were Born to Do This

    Some of us are here by vocation, and some by coincidence, but we all have one goal - to help and support police officers and their families.

    Our Partners

    Make a Contribution

    Every donation you make is important. Support the Georgian police and their families by donating today.
