About us

We are the first non-commercial, non-political charity police fund in Georgia.

The values and goals of our foundation are:

  • Creation and financing of socio-economic, educational, creative programs.
  • The fund’s financial source is donations and grant-making.
  • The goal is to help police officers do better work so that police officers and their families don’t feel alone.

Every donation you make goes to programs that help and fund our police officers and their families.

All donations are transparent and every 6 (six) months information will be posted in the appropriate place on our website.

Who we are

Malkhaz Tchankotadze

Date of birth: 27/09/1982

Director of the Georgian Police Foundation

Director of the Adjara Regional Organization of the Association of Georgian Policemen

Member of the World Police Association IPA


Violeta Tchankotadze

Date of birth: 1/11/1988

Public Relations Manager of the Adjara Regional Organization of the Georgian Police Association

Member of the World Police Association IPA


Gaga Meshveliani

Date of birth: 05/02/1984

Chief Manager of the Legal Service of the Georgian Police Foundation


Moshe Sapir

Date of birth : 07/04/1959

Foreign Relations Coordinator of the Georgian Police Foundation


Levan Tashchian

Date of birth: 02/07/1958

Logistics Manager

Gari Mkrtichiani

Date of birth: 16/01/1988

Logistics Manager

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Georgian Police Fund